New Member?

Welcome to The Royal North Devon Golf Club - Definitely NOT a stuffy old golf club!

Hopefully we can answer any questions you might have here, otherwise there are plenty of places to find what you need and plenty of other members who will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. Feel free to use the chat bot on the bottom right of your screen - you will always get an answer on this, sometimes it might take a short while but anything you write on this is always saved along with replies.

Contact forms for Club staff and Officers are here

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  • What does membership mean?

    A Full Golf Member is entitled to play on any of the courses and make full use of the bar and catering with up to 20% discounts on drinks and some items in the restaurant. You can topup this card online really easily from this link in the Intelligent Golf side of the website and it pays for competition entries also. Your golf prize money also goes onto your Club account & your two's sweep money goes on your Pro Shop account.

    You can spend your club account money in any part of the Club be it Pro Shop, Restaurant, Bar etc.

    The club has reciprocal arrangements with other Royal Clubs around the world where in many cases you can play for free.

    If you are interested in playing Team Golf for your club please let one of the Pros know and they will alert the team captains who will get in touch.

    If you are over 60 yrs or a Lady then we have The Vets and The Ladies Sections which are always happy to welcome new members, again the Pro's or the Office will help you get in touch.

    Dont be shy come and say hello!

  • What do i use my members card for?

    Your Members card gives you up to 25% off cold drinks at the bar and 10% off most of the menu in the restaurant. If you lose your card please notify the office asap and you can be issued with a replacement.

  • Can I play Matchplay events?

    We have lots of Matchplay events running all through the year, some are for Honours Boards too. These are a great way to meet new people, most are two ball individual competitions and there is also the very much prized event called The Victory Foursomes which has been running since 1920.

    Matchplay events are entered in the same way as normal competitions - login to Intelligent Golf and go to Competitions and Knockouts. If you arent using the IG App then you should it is great for organising matches and doing everything from topping up your car card to checking your handicap. Go to your App Store and search Intelligent Golf.

    The Club Matchplay events and some specifics about each one are here

  • How can I find other members to play golf with?

    We pride ourselves in being a really friendly bunch! We have a Members only Facebook Group which you can join, this is great for friendly banter and organising teams and social golf. We also operate a WhatsApp group with over 50+ members in it. Just say "Hi" and introduce yourself, perhaps state your handicap if you have one and ask if anyone can play when you want to - there is usually someone wanting a game too! To join ask on the Chatbot (bottom right) and give your name and mobile number or ask one of the Professionals to add you.

  • I am a beginner can you teach me?

    We have 3 fully qualified teaching Professionals at the club if they can't do it then nobody can!

    Check out the Learn to Play Golf page where you can find out about the latest Academy Golf Plans - this runs all the time and is a great deal for anyone taking up the game. You will be loaned equipment and given group and personal lessons, more than enough to get you out onto the short courses and then the full course when you are ready.

    If you have any questions about this pop into the Pro Shop and speak to Mike, Ross or Josh they will all be happy to tell you what is available now.

  • How do I book a Tee time?

    The Club use The Intelligent Golf system. As a member you have been issued a username (which is a number) and a PIN. From the above Menu click on Members and Members Login which opens a new page. Login here. You can navigate around here and see all sorts of information about upcoming and latest Competition results. To book a tee go to MY Golf and then Book A Tee Time.

    Select the day you want to play and look for an available space. Afternoons are normally quiet if there isnt anything going on so if you just turn up there is a good chance you could get out on the course anyway.

  • Is there a Dress code?

    Members and visitors are asked to ensure that they conform to a good, neat and clean standard of dress both on and off the course.

    The following must not be worn in the Clubhouse: Wet clothing, Hats/Caps/Visors and T-Shirts, dirty work clothing, high vis jackets, working /wellies boots.

    The following must not be worn on the Golf Courses: T-Shirts, Sleeveless Shirts (men only), Vests & Football or Rugby tops. 

    Only tailored shorts/cargo shorts are acceptable in the Clubhouse and Golf Courses. Beach or football shorts are not acceptable anywhere.

    Denim jeans are acceptable in the Clubhouse only if they are neat & tidy, are of uniform colour and are free of any fraying, holes, rips or tears. 

    Persons not adhering to the above dress code will be asked to change before using the Clubhouse or the Golf Course.

    We do not insist on white socks with shorts!

    Juniors coming to weekend golf lessons can pretty much wear whatever they like as long as they are happy, comfortable and warm!

  • How is the Club run?

    We have a General Manager Mark Evans and the Office Manager is Sandra Symons. They are both supported by the Club Board.

    Members can read the latest Commitees Minutes from THIS LINK

  • What about social events at the club?

    There are usually plenty of social events going on from bands to quiz nights. In the summer we try to have at least a couple of fun evenings which involve short course and putting competitions, longest drives, a burger van and ice cream van.

    Checkout the Social Events page for the latest news.

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