The Ladies Autumn Presentation

Ladies RND autumn presentation 01

 Ladies Autumn Trophy Winners 2024 – Presented by Liz Blight – Ladies Captain On Thursday 40 ladies played in their Turkey Trot Stableford, which was followed by a scrumptious meal of Steak and Ale Pie.  Our Autumn presentation of prizes took place afterwards:

  1.  Prize Table2.  Sahara Stockwell   Enid Mugford Salver – Medal - Best Nett ScoreEnid Mugford Memorial Salver – Medal – Best Nett Score for...

  763 Hits

Victory Foursomes winners 2024

james doble and Marlon Lockhart

Congratulations to James Doble and Marlon Lockhart on their win in the 2024 Club Victory Foursomes. Honours Board glory for them! Marlon drained a 50 footer for birdie on the 19th in the quarter final to get them through to the Semi Final where they beat David Brown and Robert Holman on the 15th hole and then David Bryant and Richard Green in the final 4/3 to take the win. It takes a summer of consistent foursomes golf to take this Trophy, very well done to both of them.  

  1334 Hits

Vets Captain’s Away-Day 2024

VetsAway winners

On a sun-drenched Tuesday in September, 52 of our best RND Vets transferred to a beautifully presented Bude & North Cornwall GC for Captain Cliff’s away-day. Despite the fact that our start time was heavily delayed, and our 3-balls were forced to follow 12 4-balls in a members roll-up, most of us really enjoyed the whole day. The winning team (pictured) features Mark Randle, Christopher Nobes and David Hudson. More from The Vets on our website here

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North Devon Vets League 2024

ND vets league

The North Devon Vets League reached it's conclusion at Libbaton Golf Club on monday 2nd September. Eight Clubs reconvened on a rather dismal day when the sun never shone and frequent drizzly, and occasionally heavy showers dampened the spirits of many. Scoring proved difficult with the pins in very challenging positions.  The majority of players only managed scores in the low 20s.  Portmore won the League and Cup overall by beating Holsworthy. The Finals Day Cup ( to be renamed the "Jo...

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The 2024 August Meeting Presentation

RNDGC august meeting presentation 2024 01

Presented by General Manager Mark Evans and Club President Michael Blight here is a gallery of all the winners from the August Meeting Presentation. Click the image to see a download button  

The Trophies and Winners for 2024 are as follows. Prince of Wales Matchplay Winner Michael Colwill J.P.Phillips Rosebowl – Sam Griffin and Michael T Jones 43 points Monthly Medal Jan – Ethan Jeffery 66 Monthly Medal Feb – Josh Taylor 66 Monthly M...

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RND Vets Vs Saunton

rnd vets at saunton

Friday 16th August saw the Vets cross swords with Saunton on the East Course. Having tied the home leg 3 - 3 it looked like a tall order. However an outstanding result of 3.5 - 2.5 saw RND retain the Trophy which they had won in 2023.  

  601 Hits

Junior golf early season update 2024

jack watts

Attendance We are maintaining our membership level across the Junior Section. Although we have lost a couple of members, we have also picked up a few too. We currently have  41 juniors registered on our coaching programme and 21  juniors as non-coaching members. Uniforms All the children who have ordered uniforms have received them. Feedback has been excellent and they look great. Monthly Stableford Competitions We have had between 3 and 8 entries each month, which is a little dis...

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RND Veterans League Round 3 at Saunton

RND vets league at saunton

On a hot and sultry day the latest round of the North Devon Vets League was played on Saunton East Course.The greens were slick and the rough penal. A strong group from RND were looking forward to locking horns with the other 3 teams and a tough battle was expected. They were not disappointed! It was obvious that keeping the ball on the fairways, or at least out of the thick rough was going to be key, and indeed that is how it turned out. Under the watchful eyes of the buzzards wheeling overhead...

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Bideford Bay Foursomes winners 2024

jamie pow and martin hammett

Congratulations to Jamie Pow and Martin Hammett who ran away with the Bideford Bay Foursomes trophy in 2024 with a 4 shot lead! With 42 and 43 points at each club they romped home to take the trophy! Here are the top ten scores, the rest can be viewed from this link - to see where you came!  

  2059 Hits

Two Longstanding Members Awarded Honorary Life Membership

Honorary membership of RND

At the Annual General Meeting held on the 9th of May, we were delighted to confer Honorary Life Membership upon two of our most esteemed and dedicated long-serving members. Both gentlemen served the Club as Treasurer during critical times, and through their tireless efforts, the Club's financial situation was transformed. They laid the solid financial foundation that underpins our current success story. Looking back, we can appreciate that these two individuals were exactly who we needed at that...

  1510 Hits

The Cradle of English Golf- 160 years and counting…

160th rnd birthday devon golf

To mark the 160th anniversary of Royal North Devon Golf Club, Stephen Proctor, author of ‘The Long Golden Afternoon: Golf’s Age of Glory, 1864-1914’, talks to RND member Dan Davies about the club’s early history and the pivotal role it played in the birth of English golf. The conversation covers the first time golf was played on Northam Burrows, the early visits of Old Tom Morris and Young Tom Morris to North Devon, the club’s founding members, money matches on the links, the club’s ties with St...

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North Devon Vets League 1st Round 2024

RND Logo

On Monday 11th March the North Devon Vets League was resurrected with the first round being played at RND. On a beautifully sunny, if rather breezy day seven players each from RND, Holsworthy, Saunton and Torrington teed off on a journey towards the final to be held in August against the winner of a second group comprising Ilfracombe, Mortehoe, Libbaton and Portmore. The format was the best five of seven scores to count. A tight contest was expected and we were not disappointed. Ably led by Capt...

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The Valentines mixed foursomes 2024

valentines mixed foursomes

The winners of the Valentine Foursomes on Sunday 11th February were Linda and Robin Buckland with 42 points, photographed here with Club President, Michael Blight.   

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Ladies Captain’s Charity 2022/23 raised £3,235 for Devon Air Ambulance Trust

ladies section charity 2023

In November 2022 our Ladies Captain, Ruth Davies, chose the Devon Air Ambulance Trust as her charity. DAAT celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2023. Significant progress has been achieved by the Charity over this period including the establishment of more than 190 community landing sites, the introduction of two critical care cars and the addition of a brand new H145 helicopter to their fleet. An online shop has also been launched - It costs millions of pounds to operate the s...

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Officers Installation Ceremony 2024

2023 president Val Cook handing over to Michael Blight 2024 President

Congratulations to Michael Blight who is the new Club President for 2024, a year when the Club will celebrate our 160th year. Michael was handed the Presidency along with The Presidents Medal by Val Cook who was the President for 2023. Ruth Davies handing the Ladies Captaincy for 2024 to Elizabeth Blight 2024 Vets Captain Clifford Brown receives the badge of office from past Captain Phil Hall. The competition of the day was The Lowis Cup Greensomes and the winners of this one, Richard Wilford an...

  1721 Hits

The Ladies had a great year in 2023!

Ladies golf north devon 2023

Congratulations to The RND ladies for winning the North Devon Friendly League and bringing home the Rose Bowl for the second successive year. The team had a fantastic start to the season by winning their first four matches against Saunton and Torrington, both at home and away. This was followed by convincing home wins against Portmore 5:0 and Libbaton 4½:½. The team drew their away match against Portmore. By the beginning of September, with only one match left to play, the team was fairly confid...

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Veterans Charity 2023 raises £3140 for TTVS

vets captain rndgc 2023

As his 2023 Captaincy draws to a close, Phil Hall presents a ‘large’ cheque to Simone Thompson, CO of TTVS, his chosen charity for the year. Phil would like to thank all those members of the Vets Section who have made it possible for such a significant sum to be raised for this very local charity. Among other activities, they provide support and guidance for a variety of voluntary services directly benefitting our community. TTVS was established as a registered charity over 32 years ago, and sin...

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RND the first in the South West to join the "Respect In Golf" movement

respect logo

Royal North Devon Golf Club are proud to be the first in the South West to join the "Respect in Golf" movement! England Golf passionately believes that golf belongs to everyone. All who play. And all who aspire to play. As the governing body for amateur golf in England we embrace our responsibility to inspire the most welcoming environment for all to enjoy our sport. There is no place in golf for any form of discrimination! Respect in Golf embodies that belief. For more information visit: https:...

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Presidents Trophy 2023 Semifinalists

Ladies presidents trophy 23

The Ladies Presidents Trophy Team won all their group matches to qualify for the Quarter finals, they beat East Devon and went on to play Okehampton at Torquay. We had to be there by 9.30am which was a real effort for some. It was a lovely morning, not too hot or windy and the course was in excellent condition with exceptionally fast greens. Rosemary, Ruth and Val managed outstanding wins while the others fought valiantly. It was a very close game but we came out the losers 3-4. Almost everyone ...

  1956 Hits

RND runners up Palairet 2023

Palairet RND RU

Mostly taken from Devon Golf News On Sunday, 13th August, Woodbury Park Golf Club hosted the Palairet Memorial Finals Day 2023 which saw Tiverton, Exeter, Ilfracombe and Royal North Devon ready for an anxious but exciting day ahead. One of the morning semi-finals was a repeat of last year with Tiverton drawing Exeter, the second semi-final was Ilfracombe against Royal North Devon. Much to Tiverton's delight, they were able to right last year's wrongs and get the win against Exeter 3½-1½, gi...

  1563 Hits
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