January 2021 Newsletter

I hope this finds you all well in these difficult times.

It is very disappointing and frustrating to be back in lockdown, having said that there are many people in the country suffering badly with this horrible disease.

Golf will return one day, and the clubhouse will reopen, and we can look back on this as an experience, hopefully never to be repeated in our lifetime.

In the meantime, staff have again been very flexible in agreeing to be moved onto the furlough scheme.

We will again apply for the government grants and try to protect our financial position as much as possible.



All events up to 15th February have been taken offline, all entry fees up to that date have been refunded.

The Men’s Dinner planned for 20th March will be golf only, fingers crossed. Entry is open online. The event will be a Drawn American foursome. Spaces are limited to 92.

Easter entries are filling up fast. If you have not yet entered please check the website for availability.

Competitions opening times will change on Friday evenings. This will move from the usual 7pm to 6.45pm. This will hopefully speed up the website as every club in the county seems to use 7pm on Friday evening, which according to IG slows down their system.

The General play tee booking system has been taken offline until further notice.


The Bideford Bay Foursomes 10th and 11th April

Entry forms can be found here please send in your form with payment- this can be by cheque or BACS.  To account number 09105050, sort 51-70-16. As a reference, please put BB followed by the first name on the entry sheet. You can also call through to the office to pay via a card.

Forms should be returned by Friday 29th January.

Regarding start times- forms will be drawn out of a hat. First out, getting their preferred tee time. Etc.

Please still indicate the course and time you would prefer to play on the first day.


The RND members Facebook page is back up and running.

Josh Salmon will now be admin on this site.

Please remember these rules before posting.

1/ The page is open to full members
2/ All content must be club/golf-related.
3/ No unnecessary or unkind comments directed at any person.
4/ Comments must be genuine and honest.
5/ Three refused posts/comments and you will be removed from the group.
6/ Posts/Comments should not reflect poorly on RND or its membership.
7/ No advertising.
8/ No political points.


Golf Course

After all the heavy rain just before Christmas the course has dried up well and the rest over the next few weeks will do it some good.

The irrigation work to the 12th green will be completed early next week.

The greens and many other areas will be verti-drained over the coming weeks. This helps air movement through the soil, as well as allowing water to drain freely, it also reduces compaction.

The greens will be cut once per week, with the cold weather the growth has dropped right off.


Clubhouse and surrounding areas.

car parkThe links cottage site has now been hard cored and is ready to be used as an overflow carpark. Anyone member with a larger vehicle who struggle to park within our parking bays should use this area.

New carpet tiles have been fitted in the pro’s shop, hallway and men’s changing room.

PAR dining will continue with the Sunday takeaway roast, please call 01237 473817 option 3.


entrance hall    mens changing rooms

Club AGM

The Club’s AGM is due to take place on Thursday 13th May 2021. As the transfer from the Committee set up to a Board set was delayed because of Covid.

I am sending this notice out early, looking for prospective candidates. The roles that require filling can be found here


Lockdown rules

Golf is not permitted to be played anywhere on our land or on Northam Burrows.

The committee will take a hard line should any member be seen playing golf.


2021 Officers installation

I am sure we all missed the ceremony due to take place on 3rd January.

The following officers were installed.

President – Mr Mervyn Fudge

Lady Captain – Mrs Ruth Horn

Veteran Captain – Mr Robert McDermott

Junior Captain - William Newby

I’m sure we all wish them well for a successful 2021.

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Women in Golf Charter - The First in Devon
Junior Captain 2021

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