"Golfer" and "New Golfer" competition - Get into Golf

golfer non golfer comp 4

A really great evening for our "Get Into Golf" series of events was our "Golfer and New Golfer" 9 hole competition where a regular golfer pairs up with a new golfer in a "foursomes"  (Alternate shot) competition. There as a great turnout with in total 56 players in total playing 9 hole foursomes. Winners:1st - 21pts Kevin and Claire Ellicott 2nd - 20pts Alice Brown & Janet Hill 3rd tied - 19pts Chris Brown & Chris Cloke with Mike & Freddy Wilson {gallery}Blog-images/2019/nongolf...

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August Meeting Fun Night

WhatsApp Image 2019 08 22 at 21.06.337

Every year the fun night is always popular but we have never run out of Burgers and San Miguel before !! The Putting and the Taylor Course competitions proved very poular and results are in: Putting: Junior boy : Will NewbyJunior girl: Freya GoddardAdult: Joe Neve Taylor : Junior: Devin Job Adult net: Dave BrownScratch : Chris Brown/Sean Downing It was great to see so many families and youngsters having a go and doing so well!


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