Junior golf early season update 2024

jack watts

Attendance We are maintaining our membership level across the Junior Section. Although we have lost a couple of members, we have also picked up a few too. We currently have  41 juniors registered on our coaching programme and 21  juniors as non-coaching members. Uniforms All the children who have ordered uniforms have received them. Feedback has been excellent and they look great. Monthly Stableford Competitions We have had between 3 and 8 entries each month, which is a little dis...

  1218 Hits

Junior Captain 2021

will newby

In recognition of the commitment he has shown to the Junior Section over the past year, we have asked William Newby to take up the Junior Captaincy for 2021. We are looking forward to getting back to golf as soon as possible and for William to be able to lead the squad in the coming season.

  3448 Hits
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