RNDGC Veteran golfers raise £1578 for charity

RND Vets charity cheque

The RNDGC 140 veterans raised £1578 in 2022 during their weekly competitions and Open Day.Patrick McGuckin this year's elected Captain stated during their AGM that he had felt privileged to have been the section's Captain during a successful year during which veteran golfers won all of their home matches against visiting clubs. Patrick presented cheques to both Devon Air Ambulance as well as North Devon Hospice. Some 50-plus Veteran golfers attended the annual prize-giving dinner held in the clu...

  1459 Hits

The Annual Vets "Open" 2022

2022 vets open

On 14th June RNDGC Veterans section held their annual Open competition for all golfers over 60 years old.A total of 148 golfers played of which 81 were visitors from many Southwest England-based golf clubs. Voucher prizes of £420.00 were paid out and £730 was raised for this year's Vets Captain,s charities ..Devon Air Ambulance and North Devon Hospice. The success of this year's Vets Open was due in main to volunteer Veteran golfers not playing. Tom Stirzaker, Kevin Caris, Jeremy Wright, and Bob...

  2055 Hits

Golfing Girls Generosity gifts £3000+ to North Devon Hospice

rnd ladies

The golfing ladies at RND have been fundraising all year for the Captains charity, the North Devon Hospice. At a well-attended ladies AGM retiring captain Tania Wickham was delighted to hand over a cheque for £3,093.37 to Jess Burford-Redgrove, Community and Events Fundraiser at North Devon Hospice, on behalf of all the ladies. The money has been raised throughout the last year by the ladies at coffee mornings, raffles during competitions and various other events. Many thanks to all the ladies w...

  3590 Hits
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