Restaurant Open Nights


The first of 3 Restaurant Open Nights took place at The Club last evening with over 50 guests enjoying a "PaR Dining" experience. The next 2 events will take place on: Friday 17th AprilSaturday 27th June The restaurant will be open from 6:30PM - 8.00PM and a different menu will be set for each night. All bookings need to be made with PaR Dining either personally or by telephone on: 01237 473817 Hopefully the next nights will also be supported well and these will continue to be a regular feature ...

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President Vs Chairman 2018

heather gale and Mervyn Fudge 2018 president vs chairman

The annual President Vs Chairman match was played on Sunday 25th November. Leading the field was 2018 President Heather Gale playing with next years President Dick Ford against 2018 Chairman Mervyn Fudge and his wife Mary. Merv and Mary won their match which lead the way to a fairly comprehensive victory to The Chairman by a total of 16 1/2 - 9 1/2 Both Team captains complimented the Greenstaff on the amazing condition of the course and everyone enjoyed a huge "Royston Roast" afterwards. Below i...

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