Replacing Plastic tees on the course

oceantee info

Since the 1st January 2020 the club has asked its members and guests to refrain from using plastic tees on the course and the Professional Shop is no longer selling them. It is already noticeable on the course the reduction of discarded plastic tees on the tee boxes which can only serve to help the environment in which we are lucky enough to have a golf course. The Club are the first to signup to the "Ocean Tee Crowd" setup by who are hoping to get 25 clubs signed up to ...

  5200 Hits

Winter Presentation Awards evening

RND winter presentation 02

The prize table wasnt just alcohol but there was a fair amount at the annual "Whiskey Foursomes" Presentation evening which included Mince Pies and Carol singing to The Appledore Town Band. All the winners also won a box of 100 wooden tees #PlasticFreeRND Congratulations to the winners of all these Trophies: St Loyes Cups-Ladies Section the winner with points Ruth HornAnd in the Men’s section the winner with Mark LeeCommittee Cup winner Clifford Brown Monthly Medal Winners,October Medal and Davi...

  5619 Hits

Starting the new decade how we mean to go on - no more plastic tees

no plastic tees from 010120

The Committee have agreed that from 01012020 plastic tees will not be allowed on the golf course. We have all seen golf tees lying around the course, both wooden and plastic. The simple fact is that plastic tees are more likely to harm the birds and animals we share our wonderful course with. The greenkeepers will also tell you that they can do a great deal more harm to their equipment than a wooden tee. So from the start of the new decade we would like all golfers to only use wooden tees and th...

  7418 Hits
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