Newsletter 27th September 2021

Dear Member. I hope this newsletter finds you all well. Handicap Scorecards for handicap purposes, as long as you complete at least 10 holes your score will count towards a handicap. We have applied for a 9 hole qualifying course. This will apply to the front nine only. As a reminder, if you are wanting to do a General play score please register at the PSI prior to playing, on return, enter your score into the PSI, and put your scorecard in the box. All these scores must be ratified by your play...

  2305 Hits

Rule Changes from 1st January 2019

rules 630x473

The following are the main changes to the Rules of Golf taking effect January 1, 2019 that are expected to have the most impact on the game and to be of most interest to golfers. Ball at Rest Ball Moved During Search No penalty for accidentally moving your ball during search. No Penalty for Moving Ball on the Putting Green No penalty for accidentally moving your ball or ball-marker on the putting green. Standard for Deciding Why a Ball Moved New standard to determine if you caused your ball to m...

  6803 Hits
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