Greens News Autumn 2019

greens news

Apologies for the delayed greens news, we have been having computer and internet issues in the greenkeeping cave. The greens were over-seeded the first week in September using a 13mm pot seeding method. The tine holes did cause some disruption to the putting surface for the first couple of weeks following, but are now starting to roll well again, and after just three weeks are almost back to normal. As a result we have had an excellent strike with the newly germinated seed and put a huge amount ...

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Greens News March 2019

Royal North Devon Golf Club 18th Green

The crows finally seem to have stopped pecking at the greens and surrounds. The grubs they seek have migrated deeper into the soil and out of reach. We will continue to search for remedies in order to try and prevent a re-occurrence next winter. We have managed to patch and repair the majority of the damage caused to these areas, it is now just a matter of dressing/levelling and growing the patches in. The greens (not attacked by crows) have made it through the winter in good order, but like the...

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Greens News February 2019

greens damage

Firstly, Happy New year to you all from the greenkeeping team. The winter is proving very difficult for us.  The mild weather that we have seen for the most part   brings high disease pressure to the greens.  Although the greens have coped well without any significant scarring there has been some discolouration and weakening to the affected greens, this should grow out as we move into the spring.  You will have no doubt seen the extensive damage that we have been sufferi...

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Greens News - Winter 2018

green damage

The greens are now at the winter cutting height of 5mm and I’m happy that they are still performing very well as we head into December.  They have a good dense coverage which should help them see out the winter months.  The greens were deep tined to a depth of around 11inches, which allows some much needed air into the soil profile and helps reduce the compaction caused by machinery and golfers. They have already recovered well from this procedure with minimal affect to how the ball ro...

  4588 Hits

President Vs Chairman 2018

heather gale and Mervyn Fudge 2018 president vs chairman

The annual President Vs Chairman match was played on Sunday 25th November. Leading the field was 2018 President Heather Gale playing with next years President Dick Ford against 2018 Chairman Mervyn Fudge and his wife Mary. Merv and Mary won their match which lead the way to a fairly comprehensive victory to The Chairman by a total of 16 1/2 - 9 1/2 Both Team captains complimented the Greenstaff on the amazing condition of the course and everyone enjoyed a huge "Royston Roast" afterwards. Below i...

  7114 Hits
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