Mark Stockdale wins The West Of England Amateur


Mark Stockdale of Woburn Golf Club has won the West Of England Amateur Golf Tournament, held at the Royal North Devon Golf Club from 27th to 29th April. Stockdale finished 11 under par, with scores of 70, 66, 74, and 67. Alexander Ford was the next closest competitor, finishing 3 under par, with scores of 74, 66, 72, and 73. The tournament was played in near-perfect golfing conditions and the two players were the only finishers under par from a field of 96 players. For the full scoring please cl...

  1979 Hits

Another Taylor's Course winner!

charlie allman

  Every fortnight from 4PM on a Wednesday is the Taylor's Course 7 hole competition. It only takes 45 minutes or so and often results in a bit of banter and a second round prior to a swift pint! The most recent winner was a very pleased with himself Charlie Allman, who managed to score a very respectable 17 points and wins himself £18, in second place was Sean Downing with 15 points (£13.50) with Richard Hughes in 3rd with 14 points (£9). Superstar of the future was William Hampton age 8 wh...

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"Mid Week Par Tee" the 1st event

Adam Eley

25 players turned out for the first  "Mid Week Par Tee" which this week was 1 round of The Taylor's Course followed by a superb curry in the clubhouse that we have all missed so much! It was a Stableford competition and the winner was Adam Eley (Hcap 17) who is a graduate from the Club Academy for new golfers with an excellent 15 points.     PlayerPointsBack 3Back 4Back 5Prize moneyAdam Eley158912£22.5William Williams146810£18.75Kiaran Tanton13679£15Martin Chance13688£11.25Ken Dow...

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Butterfield mixed foursomes Medal

Martin Butler and Jan Hurst

Congratulations to Martin Butler and Jan Hurst on their tremendous nett 66.5 score in the Butterfield Foursomes Medal on Sunday. It was a glorious day befitting of a great format, and the only one like it in the golfing year! Well done to all the prize winners who were paid out down to 6th place.    

  4339 Hits

The Virtual Vets are keeping in touch

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The Veterans have held their second virtual committee meeting to discuss outstanding issues and review the way forward to continue their Roll Up system. The first competition The Angry Golfer was a success with several new members signing on. If you are interested in joining The Veterans Section please click here The results are as follows:

  3913 Hits

Round 4 of The Winter Foursomes 2020

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Congratulations to Matthew Bright and Ethan Jeffery who took todays 4th round of the Winter Foursomes, as well as the whole of the twos pot! Currently the 5th and final event is scheduled for Friday 10th April, but that is obviously pending any further restrictions on golf and golf competitions. We will keep you updated in due course.  The series results after 4 rounds The series is based on your best 3 scores out of the events played and it is as usual very close at the top with probably a...

  4401 Hits

"New Golfer" - Winning start!

Harry A

On Saturday we had a 3ball team (2-1-2) competition, the first "adult" competition for New Golfer and new member young Harry Armstrong (age 15), playing with his father Neil and famous local celebrity Shaun Loze !! This was only the 5th time Harry has played all 18 holes and 3 of these were to enable him to get his handicap. Harry did really well and the team of three just pipped the second place team by 1 shot to take the win. Harry has submitted his card individually for this round and managed...

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Golfer - New Golfer Competition

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For the second time we have played a "Golfer and New Golfer" 6 hole competition to get new players playing with more established golfers. This time we had two very happy young men who romped home with an amazing 18 points in 6 holes! Will and Thomas started with a birdie 4 on the 1st hole which included a massive putt from Thomas of over 60 feet. The boys easily won and it was great to see such big grins in the clubhouse! The new golfers are a good way through the "Get Into Golf" program and all...

  4300 Hits

Winter Foursomes League - 2019/20

Winter foursomes trophy

  This winter will see the return of the RND Winter Foursomes order of merit, where players earn points based on their finishing position in each of 5 events scheduled from November to March (dates below). Steve Morrish won last years series, closely followed by Richard Hughes and Chris Drew in 2nd and 3rd place. The points scoring system made for a close finish, which we will hope will be the case again this year. The event has a great prize fund and we'd really like to see a good entry ag...

  3731 Hits

"Golfer" and "New Golfer" competition - Get into Golf

golfer non golfer comp 4

A really great evening for our "Get Into Golf" series of events was our "Golfer and New Golfer" 9 hole competition where a regular golfer pairs up with a new golfer in a "foursomes"  (Alternate shot) competition. There as a great turnout with in total 56 players in total playing 9 hole foursomes. Winners:1st - 21pts Kevin and Claire Ellicott 2nd - 20pts Alice Brown & Janet Hill 3rd tied - 19pts Chris Brown & Chris Cloke with Mike & Freddy Wilson {gallery}Blog-images/2019/nongolf...

  5336 Hits

New Ladies Club Champion - Ladies News

Liz Bird

Liz Bird - Ladies Club Champion 2019 The ladies club championships took place on 27 June 2019 with 19 ladies completing 36 holes on the day and a further 20 completing 18 holes. Despite the blustery conditions some good scores were posted. The Ladies Club Champion with a gross aggregate score of 166 is Liz Bird. The winner of the Bronze Aggregate in the Club Championship is Sahara Stockwell. Congratulations to both winners but also to everyone who took part, especially those who completed 36 hol...

  4480 Hits

Mens Dinner Speaker 2019 - Jeremy Robinson


The Men’s Dinner speaker for 2019 will be Jeremy Robinson European Tour player and Director of Blackstar Golf. Jeremy had a successful Amateur career with wins at: 1982 Peter McEvoy Trophy 1985 Lincolnshire Amateur Championship 1987 Brabazon Trophy, Lagonda Trophy, Berkshire Trophy, Scrutton Jug. Jeremy represented GB in the Walker Cup in 1987 winning two and halving two matches. He turned Professional in 1988 were he won Five times on the Challenge tour.Jeremy played in the Open Championships o...

  7306 Hits
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